Working Together
What does it mean to ‘work with June’ – Personal work is not always easy. We hit road bumps and find all kinds of ways to distract ourselves from the hard stuff. Until we don’t. Then we ask for help.
As one client put it, 'To work with June was like a submarine captain who yells, "Dive, Dive!” One second you’re gliding along the surface, the next you're hitting depths you didn't know existed.’ Thank you, June! I'm a better, deeper writer because of you.
- John Peaslee
TV Writer/Producer
It means you have courage.
It means you’re ready to do deep work.
It means you’re vulnerable and yet trusting.
It means you are up for a breakthrough.
So Be It.
1 : 1 Guidance
We need others to help us see ourselves. It sounds so simple. I like to work with clients one on one because it gives us a chance to really drill down and dig into what’s been tucked away. Vulnerable conversations sometimes take time to surface around others, but when we are together, when I am present with you, I will know when to push, when to pull and when to retreat in order to serve you best. The idea is that long after your 1:1 session is over, the ah ha moments just keep coming.
I Ching Reading - 45 minutes
The I Ching or the “Book of Changes” is an ancient Chinese divination book full of wisdom that has been used for more than 5000 years to help in decision making and preparing for the future.
But honestly, it's like having your own essential guide from the universe. It will never tell you what to do, but it will give you information to help you make your own decisions, based on your question and the synchronicity of the moment. A reading is when we consult the oracle together for guidance when it comes to serious questions in life and how to best approach what is coming up next.
By throwing 3 coins, six times in a row, a hexagram is formed which will lead you to direct information about your inquiry. For your reading on Zoom, you will need any three coins which are the same, as long as there are clearly two sides.
The I Ching may not tell you what you want to hear but it will tell you what you need to know. It can be very useful for questioning your own unconscious mind and has a way of zoning in on your question in the most profound way.